Kansas City officially banned public gatherings of 50 or more people. This ban is going to have a drastic impact on the service and performing arts industries. However, KCPublic still believes that the arts have the power to help us through these troubling times so they are announcing TWO ONLINE PROGRAMS open for anyone to participate!
Together, up to 30 people will be charged with writing a single play that will be read by a stellar cast and streamed LIVE on Facebook Monday, April 6th at 7:30pm! Visit the event link for details and to SIGN UP for your ONE HOUR writing slot!
Have a story, poem, song, monologue, or something you need to get off your chest? Why not express it on our Soapbox? Email your one minute video to kcpublictheatre@gmail.com with the subject SOAPBOX. We will post submissions right here on our Facebook page! We ask that you keep your language clean, but other than that, TELL YOUR STORY!