This drama brings family conflict, grief, trauma, and the power of counseling to center stage.
It's been a tumultuous marriage with long-term effects. Now, Norma and Spicer must grapple with the impact of their decisions. Starting May 12, KC Melting Pot Theatre presents Lewis Morrow's Begetters, a drama that brings family conflict, grief, trauma, and the power of counseling to center stage.
Begetters invites the audience inside the family's descent into darkness and therapy, as Norma and Spicer reflect over their life choices and make discoveries about how their past decisions will impact future generations. The play is written by Kansas City, Kansas native Lewis Morrow, who is also the director of new play development at KCMPT. "I just wanted to reflect Black people trying to find peace in the midst of some of the traumatic baggage and cycles we go through," Morrow said. "I think people who aren't Black can relate, but I wrote it in our language, with our rhythm, and mannerisms in mind." Morrow's plays have also been produced in California, Florida, North Carolina, Michigan, and Indiana. His work includes Elephant, Look What The Fire Did, Ain't No Such Thing As Midnight Black, and the recently produced Baybra's Tulips.Videos