Bob Paisley's Central Standard Theatre is back with another international program of mainly one-man shows with well -known actors who hail from the British Isles.
First up for 2018, do the Metropolitan Ensemble Theatre at 36th and Main in Kansas City occupy Pip Upton, performing four different shows, in the space usually? Audiences will see Upton perform separate self-written plays as former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Artist Sir Francis Bacon, World War II Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Churchill's evil adversary Adolf Hitler.
Pip Upton lives in Frame, Somerset, United Kingdom, and has performed for the last quarter century in more than twenty countries around the globe. He has won awards for his presentation at the mother of all Fringe Festivals at Edinburgh, Scotland, in several of the former Soviet republics, and numbers of other venues internationally.
Performances will be Thursday February 1 as Margaret Thatcher, Friday February 2, as Francis Bacon, and Saturday, February 3 as Adolf Hitler. All evening curtains are at 7:30 p.m. Matinee performances as Winston Churchill are available both Saturday February 3, and Sunday February 4 at 2:00 p.m.
Bob Paisley became acquainted with Pip Upton at the Adelaide Australia Fringe Festival in 2011. "I have never seen a performer more focused and personal," said Paisley. "Pip is an inspiration to me as a mentor and as a colleague. Every show seems to be speaking just to you. It is uncanny."
Ticket and additional information is available at the CST website, or by telephone at 816.635-0543.
Additional shows with other international performers are scheduled throughout 2018.