Looking for part time stage manager/tech crew of new play www.dementiaman.com It premiered in the DC Fringe Festival and now has 8 bookings into January 2024, and recently featured in APAP Publications and magazines. Need stage manager at each show and rehearsals, who might also double as tech in performance. Part time based on bookings. Willing to work with students and community theatre. Anticipating regional Metro DC performances and eventual travel opportunities in east coast, though travel is NOT required.
Salary: $25/hr
COMPANY: | The Actual Dance LLC | |
DATE POSTED: | 8/20/2023 | |
WEB SITE: | www.dementiaman.com | |
PHONE: | (202) 329-1851 | |
E-MAIL: | sam@theactualdance.com | |
ADDRESS: | 1472 Pathfinder Lane McLean, VA 22101 |
Ghostlight Creative Productions Incorporated