The Kabukiza Theatre in Tokyo will restart Kabuki performances in August. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the theatre has been closed for the past five months, offering streaming performances. According to THE ASAHI SHIMBUN
The Hachigatsu Hanagata Kabuki will be held on August 1st through August 26th and will consist of four plays. "Renjishi" (Two Lions), "Boshibari" (Tied to a Pole), "Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura Yoshinoyama" (Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees Mount Yoshinoyama) and "Yowanasake Ukina no Yokogushi Genjidana" (Scarface Yosaburo, the Mistress' House in Genjidana)
Preventative measures will be taken against COVID-19 such as opening the theatre doors before and after the performances for ventilation, replacing actors and staff after each performance, and staggered and elevated seating.
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