Along with the critically-acclaimed productions in Holland and Moscow, The Little Mermaid in Tokyo will be one of three currently running premiere productions of an entirely original version of the show. The production is being helmed by a creative team including director Glenn Casale (Beauty and the Beast) with set and costume design by five-time Tony Award winner, Bob Crowley (Tarzan, Mary Poppins, Aida). The score features the classic songs: "Part of Your World," "Kiss the Girl" and the Academy Award-winning Best Original Song, "Under the Sea," composed by eight-time Academy Award and Tony Award winner Alan Menken and his longtime collaborator, the late Howard Ashman, as well as 10 new songs by Mr. Menken and lyricist Glenn Slater, with book by Doug Wright.
The Little Mermaid will mark the fourth collaboration between Disney Theatrical Productions and Shiki Theatre Company following the successful and current runs of Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King and AIDA.
The hands of the staff of the four seasons, we trimmed shape.
Checking the flying apparatus.‚
Flying designer Paul Rubin came to Japan
Lecture from the staff's STS
Hamagami-stage to learn the mechanics of the flying device (pictured right) / Murai stage to receive a lecture of automation equipment (lower left photo) / Kusakabe equipment to confirm the site's staff and STS (upper left photo)
Height will also be about 15 meters
The stage for the flying training will continue being built.