A Comedy, a Quartet, a Revolutionary Dream Fugue, a True StoryThe Revolutionists is a hilarious witty female-powered play following four badass women during the French Revolutions Reign of Terror. The story centers around French playwright Olympe de Gouges as she struggles to find her muse and change the world in the midst of a revolution. She is joined and inspired by former Queen Marie Antoinette, Charlotte Corday- an assassin with a deadly mission, and a Haitian spy, Marianne Angelle each with a story begging to be told.
Hadestown (Non-Equity)
Saenger Theatre (3/19 - 3/20) | ||
C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters
University of Florida @ Curtis M Phillips Center for the Performing Arts (2/19 - 2/19) | ||
Peter Pan (Non-Equity)
Jacksonville Center of the Performing Arts (2/18 - 2/23) | ||
Ken Ludwig’s The Game’s Afoot
Acrosstown Repertory Theatre (12/13 - 12/22) | ||
Crimes of the Heart
Limelight Theatre (1/16 - 2/2) | ||
Christmas Cabaret
Limelight Theatre (12/12 - 12/22) | ||
Jacksonville Center of the Performing Arts (4/22 - 4/27) | ||
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