Greg Behrendt & Amiira Ruotola-Behrendt co-authors of New York Times best sellers, "He's Just Not That Into You" and "It's Called A Breakup Because It's Broken", do what they do best - talk candidly about relationships. Specifically why even the most super together fancy pants becomes an insecure nut job when faced with the challenge of finding and being in love. Greg Behrendt & Amiira Ruotola-Behrendt bring "So You Think You Want To Be In Love?" to the Times Union Center's Jacoby Hall on Sunday, January 17, 2010 at 7:00PM.
Having both lived through the victories and nightmares of dating, relationships, break ups and marriages, the Behrendts serve up their own experiences and advice to negotiate the corn maze that is the quest for love.Greg and Amiira know that dating and relationships have become a confusing mess but quite honestly, they shouldn't be. Even if you can't see the forest for the trees in your own life, they'll break down the truth with their straight talking ways. Everyone deserves to live a great life and Greg and Amiira empower you to not only be the best you that you can be, but also to live life with the kind of standards that are undeniably magnetic and to wear more energetic pants.In their lecture series, "So You Think You Want To Be In Love", the Behrendts cover the confusion of trying to love in the new Millennium and how technology has changed the romantic playing field. Additionally, Greg and Amiira discuss not only the mistakes they made in their relationships, but also how they found a love together and why their marriage works.Videos