The disorderly duo, Scott and Joan Houghton and their hilarious pack of pooches have created a comedy dog thrill show like no other. Expect the unexpected in this top-notch presentation that includes: incredible high flying frisbee dogs, tight wire dogs, dancing dogs, magic dogs and of course, the one and only . . . Sammie the Talking Dog!
Since 1985, comedy duo Scott and Joan Houghton have brought their unique blend of physical comedy and circus arts to audiences from Las Vegas to Tokyo. They spent three years with country star Lee Greenwood at his theater in Tennessee and seven years as the featured comedy act at Dolly Parton's Theaters in Branson, Orlando and Myrtle Beach.
In 2005, the duo turned their attention to a creating a comedy dog act. Their nine amazing canine partners are all adopted from animal shelters and rescues. Mutts Gone Nuts is sure to unleash havoc and hilarity as the Houghtons attempt to match wits with their mischievous mutts in a family-friendly performance that is leaving audiences howling for more!
Mutts Gone Nuts Performance Schedule: Sunday, January 21 at 1:30 p.m., Sunday, January 21 at 5:30 p.m. Tickets start are $15.50 for children and 31.25 for adults. Tickets can be purchased at, by calling (904) 632-5000 or at our box office from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.