The Detectives Dinner Theatre is kicking off their Halloween season with a brand new seasonal show entitled Haunted. Join eccentric resturaunt owner Joan Crawchevy as she concocts an elaborate scheme to save her resturaunt by faking a haunting.
The show stars Cheryl Abernathy, Keni Bounds, Chris Moore, and Eric Riggs.
For more information about Haunted and other Detectives shows, check out their website at:
Haunted will be playing at the following locations:
Char-Jackson, MS
Monday, October 27th
Cocktails 6:00-Show 7:00 p.m
Iron Horse Grill-Jackson, MS
Tuesday, October 28th
Cocktails 6:00-Show 7:00 p.m
Kismet's Restaurant-Brandon, MS
Thursday, October 30th
Seating 6:30-Show 7:00 p.m
Sombra Mexican Kitchen-Ridgeland, MS
Monday, November 3rd
Cocktails 6:00-Show 7:00 p.m
Char-Jackson, MS
Monday, November 10th
Cocktails 6:00-Show 7:00 p.m