Hattiesburg Civic Light Opera presents INTO THE WOODS, May 4-8, 2016.
Since its founding, the goal of Hattiesburg Civic Light Opera has been to bring quality entertainment to Pine Belt residents and provide an outlet for community members to share their various artistic talents with their neighbors. HCLO was founded by Bob Mesrobian in 1976, with the integral support of the Hattiesburg Mayor, Commissioners, and Forrest County Supervisors. Mesrobian served as the first artistic director. The first Board of Directors was comprised of Jess Hughes (president), Dr. William Poirier (vice president), Martha Tatum (treasurer), and Glenda Brundage (secretary). HCLO's first production was The Barber of Seville, which was staged at the Thames School Auditorium in the spring of 1976.
Also in 1976, HCLO joined other civic organizations in renovating the Saenger Theatre in downtown Hattiesburg. With money from the city and various fund raising efforts, HCLO renovated the performance facilities at the Saenger, while other organizations concentrated on restoring the lobby based on the original architectural plans of the building. The first performance in the newly renovated Saenger was Amahl and the Night Visitors in December of 1976.For tickets or more information, visit: http://www.hclo.org/