Papageno the bird catcher embarks on a perilous journey to find princess Pamina and return her to prince Tamino who lovers her and waits for her. On his journey he will encounter the Queen of the Night and her three ladies and at the end of the day will also find love. Mozart's beloved opera in a special version for the entire family with colorful costumes.
Cast and Creative team for The Magic Flute at The Israeli Opera House
Original Director Niv Hoffman
Director Shirit Lee Weiss
Pamina Shiri Hershkovitz
Daniela Skorka
Tamino Eitan Drori
Liran Kopel
Oshri Segev
Papageno Oded Reich
Yair Goren
Queen of the Night Avigail Gurtler
Lilia Gretsova
First Lady Yael Sayag
Hadar Iticovici
Second Lady Anat Czarny
Na'ama Goldman
Third Lady Shay Bloch
Limor Ilan
Papagena Hadar Atari
Shiri Hershkovitz