"Rosenblatt & Gershwin" combines styles that are not usually on the same program, and makes "chazzanus" and Tin Pan Alley come to life. After a sellout opening in Jerusalem this past summer, they are coming Ra'anana at the Yad Labanim this Thursday, and to Netanya's AACI on Saturday night.
To see a brief rehearsal preview video, please click here: https://youtu.be/JRClnFSq3qU
Performance Schedule:
Ra'anana, Thursday, November 19th, 8PM
Yad Labanim Auditorium, 147 Ahuza St.
Tickets: https://israel-theatre.com/tickets
Or call Israel Musicals, 077-450-6012
Netanya, Saturday, Nov. 21st, 8PM
AACI Netanya, 28 Shmuel Hanatziv.
Please call AACI 09-833-0950.
Tel Aviv, Thursday, November 26th, 8PM
Felicja Blumental Music Center, 26 Bialik St..
Tickets: https://israel-theatre.com/tickets
Or call Israel Musicals, 077-450-6012
or the Felicja Blumental Music Center, 03-620-1185
Jerusalem, Saturday December 5th, 8:30 PM
Gerard Behar Center, Leo Modell Hall, 11 Bezalel St.
Tickets https://israel-theatre.com/tickets
Or call Israel Musicals, 077-450-6012