Set in a small-town American diner in the 1960's, Tom's Diner reveals an intriguing newcomer who causes a stir in the seemingly-perfect townspeople. At the heart of this story lies love, unrequited dreams, and a glimpse into "The Feminine Mystique". The show itself is enthusiastically driven by wonderful renditions of those beloved songs from the 1960's that will get you singing and dancing along while reliving your fondest memories!
Back by popular demand, Tom's Diner will be performed at Yad Lebanim Ramat Hasharon tonight, January 25th at 20:30.
Written & Directed by: Meirav Zur
Musical Director: PatRick Kelly
Choreography: Yaella Marinberg
Costumes & Set: Wendy Lehmann
Production Assistants: Ashley Goldstein, Maddy Levine, Ben Ducoff.
Featuring: Or Mashiah, Nitzan Sitzer, Tamar Bettelheim, Mimi Tanaman, Nati Peleg, Lianne Ratzersdorfer, Noeat Kedem, Shiran Gross, Meirav Zur, Ashley Goldstein.
By phone: 03-548-3851
Online ticket purchase