The 2020 revival edition is now running at the theater.
Cameri Theater presents Rumplestiltskin, now playing its 2020 revival edition.
By: Avraham Shlonsky
Music: Teddy Bear Seltzer
Directed by: Roni Pinkowitz
Renewal of the show and movement: Erez Shprer
Decor and costumes: Ruth Der
Arrangements: Eran Dinor
Musical management and arrangements: Nadav Rubinstein
Lighting: Uri Morag by Felis Ross
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′′ Rumplestiltskin ′′ was written in 1965 by Avraham Shlonsky, according to a legend of the Grimm brothers. The director Yossi Yzreeli processed the play for a musical composed of Dobby Seltzer, and starred in it, among others, Arik Lavi, Shoshik Shani, Avraham Halafi, Zeev Ravah, Shimrit Or, Nira Rabinovich, Yossi Yadin, Yossi Garber, Albert Cohen, Shlomo Vish And many more and good ones.
In 1979, the first renewal of the Camry came up, directed by Joseph Carmon. Since the production has been renewed another 3 times (twice of them directed by Ronnie Pinkovich) - and this is the fifth renewal of the Camry, directed by Erez Shprer. In every renewal, the question arises whether to change the complex rhyme and fit the children, and every time the idea was disqualified, and the children did come to the theater in dro
′′ Rumplestiltskin ′′ tells about a poor grinder who tries with all his might to marry his daughter to the king, and for that he tells him that she can turn straw into gold. Since the kingdom's economic condition is a bad cry, the king imprisoned the daughter of the grinder in the room and demands her to exercise her abilities and turn piles of straw into gold wires. A little elf comes out to her help for small gifts, but with nothing left to give him - he demands her son first when he is born. When the baby is born, the elf only agrees to give up if you can guess his name.