6 Festive Shows will Celebrate 30 Years of ensemble Musica Nova at the Opening Event of the 2017 Tmu-na International Festival Monday, October 23, 2017, from 20:00 at the Tmu-na Theatre
3 Premieres: Shira Legmann, Maayan Tzdaka, Assaf Shatil
3 Experimental Pieces: David Tudor, Akvin Lucier, Nomi Epstein
Monday, October 23 from 20:00, a special concert will take place at Tmu-na Theatre and celebrate 30 years of Musica Nova with six special performances.
The pieces express the spirit of "Musica Nova" members, from the pioneers of performing the current repertoire of the international artistic music in Israel: from the previous century's classic to the new pieces of the current sound.
Ensemble Musica Nova was established in 1986 by Bassoonist Ziv Ben and conductor Lior Shambadal. Musica Nova has been at the forefront of Israel's experimental music scene, programming new works by Israeli and international artists as well as pieces from the experimental music repertory.
For tickets and further information, call 03-5611211 (Israel) or visit Tmu-na Theatre.