Created by the Producers and Director of Riverdance, Heartbeat of Home is a music and dance spectacular featuring the dynamic, vibrant components of traditional Irish, Latin and Afro-Cuban music and dance. The world-class cast of thirty-eight includes a ten-piece band creating a new and electrifying sound written by award-winning, Golden-Globe-nominated composer Brian Byrne.
The show employs high-definition, cutting-edge 3D projection technology and has an engaging narrative structure. Produced by Moya Doherty, devised and directed by John McColgan with narrative and lyrics by award-winning Irish writer Joseph O’Connor. Joseph comments: ‘when we marry the sexiness of salsa to the thunder of Irish dance, the lyricism of tango to the yearning of Sean-nós, what a night of storytelling we shall have’.
World-class Irish, Latin and Afro-Cuban dancers will be cast and, with choreography by David Bolger, the production will create a dreamworld of joyous, heart-stopping, high-energy music and dance.
Heartbeat of Home is scheduled to have its Asian premiere in Beijing immediately after its run in Dublin and will commence a North American tour in January 2014.
The Horne Section''s Hit Show
Vicar Street (11/23 - 11/23) | ||
Tina: the Tina Turner Musical
Bord Gais Energy Theatre (5/27 - 6/14) | ||
& Juliet - Captioned Performance
Bord Gais Energy Theatre (3/4 - 3/4) | ||
Here & Now - the Steps Musical
Bord Gais Energy Theatre (9/23 - 10/4) | ||
Peter Pan - Gaiety Theatre
Gaiety Theatre (1/16 - 1/19) | ||
NYMT Acting and Musical Theatre Workshop Day
Montfort (1/26 - 1/26) | ||
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