The production will stream online at 7.30 pm on January 7th, 8th, and 9th 2021.
"Two Weeks", a cinematic opera by Ultan O'Brien and Alex Foster, filmed in Smock Alley Theatre, will stream online 7.30 pm, January 7th, 8th, 9th 2021, as part of First Fortnight festival. This is the second episode in Ultan O'Brien and The Bed Tea Company's 'Tales from a Hidden World' art-series, which ponders and probes autogenic training in cystic fibrosis.
Two Weeks on a hospital bed, following the breath to an inner secret life of memories and dreams. Phasing in and out of wakefulness, the veil between the real and imagined begins to blur.
Two Weeks was created out of recorded interviews with a number of people, all completed since the covid-19 pandemic struck. Stories of secret lives emerged, revealing a colourful spectrum of states of mind, emotions, and experiences of life as it is today. This is an exploration of rehabilitation. Breath is the most intimate relationship we have in life. It's the cry of the new-born, the first sign of consciousness; an access point to a healing space. Deep in the healing space, time is not linear- dreams and memories swirl about, all at once.
Two Weeks is the music of what happens in the healing space. Stories are interwoven with fiddle and viola music, visuals, and electro-acoustic music written and performed by Ultan O'Brien, filmed and directed by Alex Foster.
Two Weeks is the second film in the Tales from Hidden Worlds art-series, by Ultan O'Brien and The Bed Tea Company. The first work, Secret Life I: magico-duality was premiered by The Contemporary Music Centre. It is a 51-minute film featuring 7 interconnected stories about breath, ghosts duties, dreams, wild wine and autogenic drainage. 7 interwoven tales from hidden worlds.