Directed by Peter Sheridan, based on the novel by Stephen King, this iconic story inspired the ever popular film and is adapted for stage by Owen O'Neill and Dave Johns.
Andy Dufresne is convicted of murdering his wife and her lover and sent to the notorious Shawshank Prison to serve two life sentences. Stripped of his life, family and freedom, Andy is forced to endure a spirit-crushing routine. But with his quiet strength and inner courage there is one thing that Andy never loses - and that is hope. Kevin Anderson reprises his role as Andy Dufresne and John Jelks joins as Red. The cast also includes Hope Brown, Patrick Joseph Byrnes, Shane Cullen, Paschal Friel, Joe Hanley, Karl Harpur, Charlie Hughes, Pierce Kavanagh, Mitchell Mullen, Ben Mulhern, Hugh O'Donnell, Daniel Reardon and Mark Schrier.
'**** Excellent' METRO
'Absolutely brilliant' TodayFM
The show will also be seen in the Cork OperaHouse April 23-29 and at the Millenium Forum, Derry June 1-6 .
For further details log onto
Venue: Gaiety Theatre
Dates: 4-29 May 2010
Evening Shows: Mon-Sat 7.30pm
Matinees: Saturday 2.30pm
Tickets: from €25 (booking fees may apply - no fee for transactions in person at the Gaiety Box Office)
Booking: Box Office 01 6771717 | 24 hour Ticket Master 0818 719 388 | |