The stage adaptation of Louise O'Neill's devastating novel shines an unflinching light on the experience of a young woman whose life is changed forever by a horrific act of violence. One night in a small town in Co. Cork, where everyone knows everyone, things spiral terrifyingly out of control. What will happen now? - to Emma? To her family? To the others?
Produced by Landmark Productions and The Everyman, Asking for It is adapted for the stage by Meadhbh McHugh, in a collaboration with Annabelle Comyn who also directs. The play will have its world premiere as part of Cork Midsummer Festival on 15th June.
Louise O'Neill is a multi award-winning writer. Her second novel, Asking for It, caused a sensation. It won Book of Year at the Irish Book Awards in 2015 and spent 52 weeks in the Irish top 10 bestseller lists.
Welcoming the prospect of a stage adaptation, Louise O'Neill said: "Since the novel has been published, I have been overwhelmed by how people have responded. I receive emails from men and women all over the world who want to share their stories with me. They tell me that this book has helped them endure. It has made them feel as if they are not alone. They say that this book has, finally, given them a voice.
I have been humbled by these emails but it reinforced my belief in the power of art. I believe that art is not just a mirror, showing us our true selves, but it has the ability to shape the way in which we see ourselves, that it has the power to transform the world that we live in. Culture can change culture. I am truly eager to see what sort of change a theatrical adaptation of Asking for It could enact."
Annabelle Comyn has been directing for 22 years, she is now an award winning Irish theatre director, having worked for The Abbey, Druid, The Gate, and Dublin Theatre Festival among others. She is the Artistic Director of Hatch Theatre Company, Director in Residence at Lir and the National Academy of Dramatic Arts.
Meadhbh McHugh is an Irish playwright and writer living in New York. Meadhbh's debut play, Helen and I, was staged by Druid Theatre Company in 2016 and was nominated for the Stewart Parker Trust Award. Meadhbh's debut radio play, April Showers, won a PJ O'Connor award for new writing and was broadcast on RTE Radio One. She currently teaches writing at Columbia University in New York where she holds a M.Phil in Theatre.
Lauren Coe plays the role of Emma O'Donovan and she is joined by a roll call of Ireland's finest young actors, Frank Blake, Venetia Bowe, Seán Doyle, Kwaku Fortune, Sile Maguire, Charlie Maher, Amy McElhatton, Paul Mescal and Darragh Shannon together with Frank McCusker and Ali White.
More information can be found at
Tickets are available at The Everyman Box Office, Cork Midsummer Festival Box Office, from and from
Regular €30 Concession €27 Students €15
Previews €22 Concession €15