Lusmagh Drama Group presents Bernard Farrell's play "Many Happy Returns" in Tuar Ard, Moate, tonight, 15th February 8pm. Tickets €10 / €8.
The play centres around 3 couples. Irene and Arthur are planning a Christmas Eve party for their "friends" who are on holidays from New Zealand. Irene is trying hard to impress them but Arthur is having doubts about the evening. He has recently resigned from his teaching job in the college and Irene hopes their "friends" will bring them out to New Zealand. They live with Matty, Irene's father, a down-to-earth retired farmer. He is lonely for his wife Gladys who is away travelling but makes a surprise appearance before the evening is over.
Directed by Liam Broderick. Booking advisable: Ph: 090 6482042 or e-mail: