Diary of a Madman is a brand new adaptation of Gogol's classic story by Al Smith, reimagined in contemporary Scotland. Directed by Christopher Haydon, the sharply political, witty Diary of a Madman is on at the Traverse Theatre 4-28 August (press performance on 5 August) and at the Gate Theatre 28-30 July and 5-24 September (press performance on 6 September).
Pop Sheeran, father, proud Scotsman and guardian of the Forth Rail Bridge, is about to lose it all. A global corporation has bought this Scottish icon. They send innovative new paint with their English researcher, Matthew - who has also caught the eye of Pop's 18 year old daughter Sophie. How will Pop cope when his sense of fatherhood, professional and national identities are challenged?
Box Office: 0131 228 1404, http://www.traverse.co.uk/
Photo Credit: Iona Firouzabadi
Check out exclusive photos of the cast in rehearsal below!
Deborah Arnott
Guy Clark & Deborah Arnott
Guy Clark
Guy Clark & Lois Chimimba
Liam Brennan
Liam Brennan
Liam Brennan & Lois Chimimba
Louise McMenemy & Lois Chimimba
Lois Chimimba
Lois Chimimba & Guy Clark
Louise McMenemy