DeBarras live music venue in Clonakilty, West Cork, has unfortunately closed up for the time being abiding by government regulations, but you can join them for the ultimate, intimate lock-in sessions online.
DeBarras Sitting Room to Sitting Room Sessions are in to their second month of bringing you some of the finest Irish talent online, with some guests popping in from overseas along the way too. Tune in to their Facebook page, at 9:30pm every night, and 8pm on Sundays (GMT+1).
Traditional Irish Session - Mon 4th
Anja Bakker - Tues 5th
Spoken Word - Wed 6th
John Spillane - Thurs 7th
Junior Brother - Fri 8th
Jordan's Run - Sat 9th
Tribute to Noel Redding, featuring Jeff Ward & some special guests - Sun 10th
Traditional Irish Session - Mon 11th
Fiona Kennedy - Tues 12th
Les Clague - Wed 13th
Aoife Scott - Thurs 14th
Liam O'Maonlaí - Fri 15th
Jenny MacNamara (New Orleans) - Sat 16th
John Blek - Sun 17th
Traditional Irish Session - Mon 18th
Liz Clark & Tessa Perry - Tues 19th
Steve Ryan (WINDINGS) - Wed 20th
Elaine Malone - Thurs 21st
Ray Blackwell from DeBarras said: "For the strange times we find ourselves in.... some of our favourite musicians will be bringing the music from their Sitting Room to yours. They will recreate DeBarras (or a DeBarras vibe) in their own home and perform a gig and we will live stream the performance on our Facebook page. Stay cool out there! We can do this."
Tune in at DeBarras Facebook page: