Maylin Productions and The New Theatre invite you to join us as we explore what happens in the capital between the hours of 8pm and 9pm. We got a room full of actors and writers and posed the question, what happens behind closed doors in Dublin?
The results were extraordinary from the farcical to the beautiful. With guaranteed tears of laughter coupled with tears of joy, this is 60 minutes you don't want to miss.
The pieces include:No latecomers by Jane McCarthy
Kerstin by Gerard O'Shea
The Lift by Rua O'Donnachu
Overshare by Jennifer Meade
Man at Desk by Matthew O'Brien
The Stand up by Andrea Ni Chleirigh
And many more...
The show runs from December 9th to 14th, all showings at 7:30 PM. Tickets for this show are £15, £12 concession, to book tickets you can book online.