The Drama League has named Bevin Ross its new Executive Director, joining Artistic Director Gabriel Stelian-Shanks as Co-CEO of the 103-year-old theatre organization. The new appointment will expand the portfolio and reach of The Drama League as the first step in its new strategic plan, while allowing Mr. Stelian-Shanks, who formerly performed both roles for five seasons, to focus exclusively on the company's expanding artistic programs for early, mid, and late career stage directors.
Bevin Ross most recently served in a senior leadership capacity for the New York Academy of Sciences, directing development for the over 200-year-old internationally renowned S.T.E.M. membership organization. In her career, she also led a four-year effort for Performance Space New York (formerly know as PS122) as part of a $35 million capital campaign to transform the organization's East Village home into a sophisticated performance venue, and spearheaded fundraising for several high-profile PBS programs at WNET/Channel Thirteen and for arts education in the New York City area with Wingspan Arts. She holds a Masters in Arts Administration and Policy from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and a Bachelor of Arts in Theater from Washington University in St. Louis.
"Bevin is an extraordinary leader and an inspiring advocate for the American theater; I'm over the moon to welcome her as my new partner at The Drama League," said Mr. Stelian-Shanks. "As The Drama League continues to grow and fulfill our mission to be the nation's lifelong home for stage directors, Bevin will play a crucial part in the success and prosperity of those efforts."
"The Board of Directors is thrilled to welcome Bevin Ross to our Drama League family as our new Executive Director," shared Stan Ponte, the President of The Drama League's Board of Directors. "Bevin brings the skills and enthusiasm perfectly suited to guide our organization forward as we commence our five-year strategic plan, and will make an ideal Co-CEO with our Artistic Director Gabriel Stelian-Shanks." He concluded by saying, "In short, we have a dynamic leadership team combining the legacy and organizational knowledge of Mr. Shanks's 18 years of service to the Drama League, paired with Ms. Ross's fresh perspective and proven track record."
The Drama League of New York advances the American theater by providing a life-long artistic home for directors and a platform for dialogue with, and between, audiences. Since 1916, The Drama League has been at the forefront of the American theater community, with initiatives to promote artistic development and audience engagement. It is one of the nation's oldest continuously-operating, not-for-profit arts advocacy and education organizations. Through its programming, The Drama League serves over 3,000 artists and 15,000 audience members each season with over 150 events and programs.
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