Directed by Ellie Heyman, the chilling thriller explores self-interest, political resistance, and the power of individual action in a dystopian world.
Tamara Tunie (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit), Colby Minifie (The Boys), Kaley Ronayne (The Resident), Babak Tafti (Billions) and Rad Pereira (The Creator) will star in a closed industry reading of Meghan Brown's new play, The Tasters. The reading, which is an Equity Approved Showcase, will be directed by Drama League Award winner Ellie Heyman (Space Dogs) and be presented by Orsetto Productions and Knock for Democracy. Casting by Scotty Anderson, CSA and stage management by Codey Leroy Butler. The chilling, darkly funny thriller crackles with righteous energy while focusing a penetrating lens on self-interest, pleasure, political resistance, and the power of individual action in an all-too-familiar dystopian world.
"With a rebel army poisoning government leaders left and right, the women known as Tasters have an important job - eating delicious, gourmet meals, and then waiting to see if they die. When defiant Taster Elyse goes on hunger strike, she kicks off a series of events that will change the course of history... while putting all of the Tasters' lives in jeopardy"
The play was previously developed at Portland Center Stage and was nominated for Susan Smith Blackburn prize.