Theater Resources Unlimited (TRU) announces the 2018 Writer-Producer Speed Date: The Art of the Pitch, One-on-One Networking with Commercial and Indie Producers on October 21, 2018 from 4:30-8:30pm at Shetler Studios, 244 West 54th Street, 11th Floor. Session 1 coaching at 4:30, pitching at 5:30; Session 2 coaching at 5:30, pitching at 6:30.
You meet a producer at a party, and have two minutes to interest him in your work. Do you have the skill to sell yourself? Here's a chance to practice your pitching with real producers who are open to and interested in meeting you. Okay, they probably won't option you on the spot, but they'll give you valuable feedback about your work and your ability to talk about it. And you'll have the opportunity to start developing a relationship. And that's what this business is all about. Relationships.
Confirmed producers include:
Coaches: Samantha Saltzman, Michael Ian Cedar
How does it work? Eleven writers arrive at 4:30pm, and three industry professionals coach the writers on their presentations. At 5:30pm, writers go into a Pitch Room to meet the producers. Each writer has two minutes to pitch. Producers have two minutes to respond, ask questions, or give feedback. Writers bring a packet with a synopsis, bio, cast breakdown, and production requirements to leave with each of the producers. If the project interests the producer, they may request a full script be sent. Meanwhile the second group remains in the Coaching Room ready to start at 5:30 and head into the Pitch Room at 6:30. A wine and cheese reception is held afterwards, so although the pitch sessions come to an end around 7:30pm, the hope is that writers and producers will stay and chat informally.
We will judge your application based on the viability of the project, your experience as a writer, prior development of the project and the specific interests of the participating producers. If accepted into the program, the cost is $75 for TRU members and $85 for non-members (and yes, you can always join as a member to qualify for the discount - we'd like that).
Evening limited to 22 writers. Visit for an application. Email application
Theater Resources Unlimited (TRU) is the leading network for developing theater professionals, a twenty-six year old 501c3 nonprofit organization created to help producers produce, emerging theater companies to emerge healthily and all theater professionals to understand and navigate the business of the arts. Membership includes self-Producing Artists as well as career producers and theater companies.
TRU publishes an email community newsletter of services, goods and productions; presents the TRU VOICES Annual New Play Reading Series and Annual New Musicals Reading Series, two new works series in which TRU underwrites developmental readings to nurture new shows as well as new producers for theater; offers a Producer Development & Mentorship Program taught by prominent producers and general managers in New York Theater, and also presents Producer Boot Camp workshops to help aspirants develop business skills. TRU serves writers through a Writer-Producer Speed Date, a Practical Playwriting Workshop, How to Write a Musical That Works and a Director-Writer Communications Lab; programs for actors include the Annual TRU Combined Audition.
Programs of Theater Resources Unlimited are supported in part by public funds awarded through the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature, as well as the Montage Foundation and the Leibowitz Greenway Foundation.
For more information about TRU membership and programs, visit or call 212 714-7628.