This Pulitzer and Tony award-winning one-man show is based on the true story of Charlotte Mahlsdorf, an East German transgender woman. Based on her autobiography and interviews conducted by the playwright, Doug Wright, the play is a vivid portrayal by one actor of over thirty different characters, featuring one unique person whose ability to endure and survive the Nazi onslaught and the repressive East German regime, is a fascinating, morally complex and stirring tale.
There are many unanswered questions about certain aspects of her life, leaving audience members to draw their own conclusions. After all, " . . . she navigated a path between the two most repressive regimes the Western World has ever known - the Nazis and the Communists - in heels." "I Am My Own Wife" is directed by Elaine "E.E." Moe and stars Seth A. Tucker. *Recommended for audiences 14 years and older.
All shows will be held at the Judith Hardes Theatre at Phoenix Theatre, located at 1825 N. Central Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85004. Ticket prices $27-$40, plus a $7 processing fee. Call the Box Office at 602-254-2151 or visit for tickets and information. Group, senior and student discounts available through the Box Office. Contact us at or call 602-734-5734 for additional information. BLK BOX PHX is a 501 (C)(3) non-profit arts organization.