Applications for the 2023-24 school year open August 1, 2023 and will close January 31, 2024.
EdTA has announced its first-ever cohort of Premier Communities for Theatre Education, which celebrates school communities for their contributions to student success in theatre. To qualify, schools and districts must demonstrate that their theatre programs are rooted in EdTA's Opportunity to Learn Standards and provide resources at or above levels suggested by the National Core Arts Standards in Theatre.
"EdTA celebrates the community effort it takes to build and sustain a quality theatre program," said Dr. Jennifer Katona, EdTA's executive director. "The Premier Communities for Theatre Education distinction recognizes the work done by the entire school or district-from administration to teachers to students and parents-to ensure a safe and robust education in theatre is available to all students. We are thrilled to celebrate this first cohort of schools and look forward to continuing to recognize high quality programs in future years."
Once awarded, the distinction is applicable for a three-year period. The recipients of the 2022-2025 Premier Communities fo Theatre Education distinction are as follows, listed alphabetically by state, then school name.
The Premier Communities program was created to offer recognition to theatre programs, just as sports, music, and other school activities have opportunities to be honored for excellence. As the parent organization of the national Honor Society for theatre students (the International Thespian Society) and the professional association for theatre teachers, EdTA is uniquely suited to recognize excellence in theatre education-and the program aligns with the organization's vision that every child should have access to theatre education taught by qualified educators.
"Providing this kind of recognition is more crucial now than ever," said Katona. "It provides validation for theatre programs coming out of the pandemic, and at a moment when school censorship and curriculum legistlation are constantly in the news and on educators' minds."
Applications for the 2023-24 school year open August 1, 2023 and will close January 31, 2024. Find out more about the Premier Communities for Theatre Education.