"So long as the only stories revered as classics are by men, we will continue to prioritize the male lens and point of view culturally."
The list is an annual guide that makes slotting classic plays by women and underrepresented genders into your season and syllabi easy. Both a celebration and a call to action, Expand the Canon demands space in the classical canon for more diverse women playwrights, many of whom were underproduced or utterly un-produced in their lifetimes. We call upon our national and international theater community to expand its definition of classical theater and include these brilliant writers and artists in their production seasons, publications, classrooms, and beyond.
So long as the only stories revered as classics are by men, we will continue to prioritize the male lens and point of view culturally. Women's perspectives will always secondary. By insisting that excellent works by a diverse group of women playwrights be regarded as classics, we can redefine theatre's values. And by staging these stories in our communities, we can shift culture.
The Lucky Chance
The Mésalliance
The Uncle
The Stone Host
The Singing Valley
Dust to Earth
Las Pascualas
And the Soul Shall Dance
Learn more at https://www.hedgepigensemble.org/expand-the-canon/#2022list