HB Studio, one of New York's original institutions for theatrical training, recently introduced virtual learning opportunities for actors and playwrights. Artists located around the globe can now train with the legendary studio's notable faculty for the first time since its inception 75 years ago.
The virtual offerings come in response to citywide mandates barring non-essential gatherings to minimize the spread and impact of the novel coronavirus. As much of the world shelters in place, HB Studio is encouraging artists to make creative use of this time of isolation. "We want to use the virtual sphere to stay connected and creative, to continue to develop our skills, and to make work that speaks to these times and brings people together," said Edith Meeks, executive and artistic director of the studio. HB Studio's online classes include acting, acting for young people, speech, musical theater and singing, playwriting, and a variety of special-focus workshops. HB Studio welcomes auditors who wish to try out the class before registering for a modest fee. HB Studio will tailor its teaching and the topic to the virtual space, taking advantage of the medium's unique creative possibilities. More details on how individual classes will be structured are available on the online course descriptions.HB Studio will also continue to offer critical financial support through the HB Scholarship Fund for artists taking online classes and workshops. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, donations to the studio are fully tax-deductible and serve a vital role in supporting the studio's robust mission-driven programs for artists, including the HB Scholarship Fund. The fund eliminates financial barriers for artists and ensures they continue to have access to the resources they need.