Lon Chaney, the "Man of A Thousand Faces", story comes to life in new musical titled A Thousand Faces. The musical takes us from Lon's childhood as the son of deaf parents, through his stage career and tumultuous life with songstress wife Cleva who attempts suicide backstage which drives Lon to try the new industry of movies where he rises to fame as the pioneering silent film star of the original PHANTOM OF THE OPERA and HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME. Sam Scalamoni (Elf, Disney's Beauty and the Beast) directs.
A Thousand Facesfeatures a book by Eric Lane (Ride, Filming O'Keefe), music by Rachel DeVore Fogarty (The Necklace) and lyrics by Kevin Fogarty (Call Me Home). A Thousand Facescreative consultant is Lon Chaney's great-grandson, Ron Chaney, who is the president of Chaney Entertainment. Mr. Chaney and Mr. Scalamoni have been developing this musical since 2015.
The new musical will have a private industry reading on June 28th at 1:30 PM at Pearl Studios in New York and is produced by Timothy Smith.
Gardner (Dames at Sea, White Christmas) and Behny (Wicked, The Fantasicks) will be joined by a cast that includesChris Collins-Piasano, Sam Hartley (Elf the Musical), Andrew Kreup (Grand Hotel), Eric Jon Malhum (Wicked, Newsies), Lewis Merkin (Children of a Lesser God, Reckless), David C. Neal, Shelby Putlak, Audra Qualley, Sean Reda (Les Miserables), Jackie Roth (Children of a Lesser God), Brittany Simmons, Morgan Billings Smith (The Sound of Music) and Eric Williams (Elf the Musical). Stage Manager is Nicholas Barguen, Associate Director is Michael Whitney and the productions Access Coordinator, Laura Brecheen.