The episode is available starting Sunday, December 13th, 2020 on Facebook Live and YouTube.
Episode 27 of the 4Wall Sunday Roundtable features designers who are currently working on holiday shows. Please join us to hear about how they managed to perform their job duties with the restrictions in place, what they have been up to during the shutdown, how they got started in the industry, and more.
Available starting Sunday, December 13th, 2020 on Facebook Live and YouTube.
Michael Archibald - The Brooklyn Tabernacle: Joy To the World; Darien Koop - Jingle Beat; Paul Miller - New Year's Eve Times Square; Chris Werner - Saks Lights Up Fifth Avenue join hosts Drew Quinones and Jeff Croiter.
4Wall Sunday Roundtable is a weekly series featuring a panel of entertainment design and production professionals who discuss the current state of the industry.
Drew Quinones and Jeff Croiter are joined by guests who have previously included lighting designers, set designers, projection designers, design educators, producers, general managers, production managers, production electricians, associate designers, and industry writers and publishers. Upcoming episodes include more of the same, and riggers, sound designers, salesmen and gaffers.
Past episodes can be viewed on 4Wall Entertainment's Facebook Live and YouTube pages.
4Wall Sunday Roundtable is produced by Jeff Croiter, Al Ridella, Drew Quinones and 4Wall Entertainment.