Banyumasan roots become the main foundation for Othniel Tasman, the Choreographer of NOSHEHEORIT. Tasman packed his work in Banyumas Lengger with contemporary style. Wide-ranged exploration are carried out, mixed between a strong identity of tradition and modern artistic packaging to represent today's society.
After intensive field research and many artistic considerations, NOSHEHEORIT is ready to be staged in the Theatre Arena Central Java Cultural Park dated October 5, 2016, in which five young dancers, namely Damasus Chrismas Verlananda W, Nur Diatmoko, Rizky Fitrah Dwi T, Sutrianingsih, and Yoga Ardanu are going to perform their own uniqueness in translating the concept of this work.
NOSHEHEORIT focused on Dariah's real life story. Dariah is a 90-years-old Lengger Lanang maestro. This story tells about Dariah's body practice, a body that is able to melt the character of both male and female. Dariah struggles as a man who danced in woman's character. From Dariah's unique life, the concept of NOSHEHEORIT is that the body has its own language to express any identity.
Tasman is orginially from Banyumas. Tasman is not only involved in the senior artists' works in Indonesia, but he is also actively produced independent work. He is a prolific young choreographer, consistency lift Lengger art into his work. NOSHEHEORIT is Tasman's sixth work.
This work is supported by the original sinden maestro, Muriah Budiarti, which confirms Lengger formidable characters. Kendang and Banyumas traditional music Calung will accompany this show, also colored by digital music to show Dariah's emotions. Artistic aspects such as staging and costumes are designed to bring the quaint atmosphere of every pattern on Dariah's body transition.
In the end of the performance, there will be a meet and greet with Tasman, dancers, musicians and artistic. For NEOSHEHEORIT ticket, please contact Ticket Box: +6289 607 052 664 (Ninda) and +6281 217 170 124 (Utik)