Set one hundred years ago in Paris, The Radiant centers on the true, tempestuous, and love-torn life of Madame Marie Sklodowska Curie. Widowed at thirty-nine, with two young children to raise and support, she becomes involved in a scandalous affair with her young married assistant, an affair which rocks Paris and nearly costs her her career - and her life. But, she survives this and the great bias against women scientists throughout Europe then and goes on to discover and isolate radium, earn two Nobel Prizes, and revolutionize the world of science forever, ushering in “The Atomic Age” and the first cure for cancer.
Once Upon A Mattress
Marian University Theatre (4/3 - 4/6)
| ||
Jersey Boys
Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre (2/14 - 4/13) | ||
Pride & Prejudice
Civic Theatre (2/7 - 2/22) | ||
James Ehnes & Antoine Tamestit
Die Glocke (Großer Saal) (6/5 - 6/5) | ||
Bashiri Asad: The Everyday SoulSinger
The Cabaret (6/13 - 6/13) | ||
Matthew Morrison: Rhythms & Revelations
The Cabaret (3/7 - 3/8) | ||
Mord im Orientexpress
Theater am Potsdamer Platz (5/16 - 5/25) | ||
7. Philharmonisches Konzert - Ein Hoch auf die Leidenschaft
Die Glocke (Großer Saal) (2/24 - 2/24) | ||
Jazzmeia Horn
The Cabaret (4/4 - 4/4) | ||
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