The Mind Tripping Show is a unique theatrical experience that combines elements of comedy, psychology, and mind-blowing illusions. It’s an interactive and immersive show that engages the audience with unexpected twists and turns. Christian and Katalina, husband and wife, comedy mind reading duo, create a playful atmosphere where the line between reality and illusion becomes blurred. They entertain you with humor and clever mysteries while exploring perception, memory, and luck and fate, leaving audiences laughing, amazed, and intrigued all at the same time. Mind Tripping is perfect for those who enjoy a mix of entertainment, thought provoking fun, and a touch of wonder. For ages 13 and older in the heart of Downtown Indianapolis Friday and Saturday nights. For all upcoming show dates and times and to purchase tickets please visit
Jersey Boys
Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre (2/14 - 4/13) | ||
Duck-Day - Führung mit Prof. Volker Schönwart
Focke-Museum Bremen (2/8 - 2/8) | ||
Paul Potts & Piano - The Greatest Hits
Die Glocke (Großer Saal) (2/14 - 2/14) | ||
WESER-KURIER Leserakademie - Handlettering für Einsteiger
WESER-KURIER Pressehaus (3/20 - 9/18) | ||
Duckomenta im Focke-Museum - Guided tours in English
Focke-Museum Bremen (1/26 - 3/9) | ||
7. Philharmonisches Konzert - Ein Hoch auf die Leidenschaft
Die Glocke (Großer Saal) (2/24 - 2/24) | ||
99 Schritte zum Meer
Theater am Leibnizplatz (1/17 - 2/8) | ||
Viola (9. Kammermusik am Sonntagmorgen)
Tabakquartier Halle 1 (6/29 - 6/29) | ||
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