Set in nineteenth-century Switzerland, this classic tale of horror and suspense details the ill-fated experiments of young Dr. Frankenstein as he attempts to fathom the secrets of life and death. Purchasing cadavers from two unsavory grave robbers, he give life to a creature both hideous and touching-and so physically powerful and mentally twisted that he soon brings death or destruction to all who stand in his way. Adhering more closely to the original novel than did the famous motion picture versions, the play blends moments of brooding terror and sudden shock with questions of morality and the dangers of unrestrained scientific inquiry.
By Victor Gialanella, from the novel by Mary Shelley
Directed By John Campbell Finnegan
The Drama Studio St Genesius Theatre 128 E Bell Ave Clarksville, IN 47129 812-283-7472, ext. 1 |