The Drama Studio's St Genesius Theatre at Southern Indiana School for the Arts presents AMADEUS by Peter Shaffer, directed by Debbie Endris, running June 29, 30 July 1 @7:30PM and July 1 @2:00PM.
Tickets are $14.00 for adults and seniors, $10.00 for students and children. Walk-ins are welcome; reservations are recommended.
Amadeus is a play by Peter Shaffer, which gives a highly fictionalized account of the lives of the composersWolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Antonio Salieri. First performed in 1979,Amadeus was inspired by a short 1830 play by Alexander Pushkin called Mozart and Salieri (which was also used as the libretto for an opera of the same nameby Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakovin 1897).
In the play, significant use is made of the music of Mozart, Salieri and other composers of the period. The premieres of Mozart’s operas The Abduction from the Seraglio, The Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni, and The Magic Flute are each the setting for key scenes of the play.
The cast features John Campbell Finnegan as Antonio Salieri, Jacob Endris as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Julia Strange as Constanze Mozart, and Paul Stiller, Grace Robertson, Jason Effinger, Chelsea Endris in the ensemble.
The theatre is located at 128 E Bell Ave, Clarksville, IN. For tickets and more information, call 812.283.7472 ext 1 or visit