Based on the original Hans Christian Anderson tale, this special holiday musical adaptation of The Story of the Little Mermaid tells of the adventures of the Little Mermaid who falls in love with the handsome "human" Prince. With the help of her friends on land and under the sea, she sacrifices part of her world to join him in his and live happily ever after. This holiday treat for the entire family comes to life at Theatre at the Center's Theatre for Young Audiences, 1040 Ridge Road, Munster, Indiana November 30 through December 14.
During the Theatre at the Center Theatre for Young Audiences production of The Story of the Little Mermaid, audiences are invited to follow along and help the Little Mermaid with her journey to get her prince. Recognized for bringing exciting, fun and educational productions, Theatre at the Center's Theatre for Young Audiences will invite families to help the Little Mermaid to overcome her one ultimate sacrifice. A special mermaid lunch package will also be available on December 4, 7, 11, 14 for an additional $4 per person. The lunch will include an all-beef hot dog, potato chips, fruit roll up, cookies and an orange drink.
Founded in 1991, Theatre at the Center is a year-round professional, equity theater at its home, The Center for Visual and Performing Arts, 1040 Ridge Road, Munster, Indiana. Theatre at the Center is conveniently located off I-80/94, just 35 minutes from downtown Chicago.
Group performances are November 30, December 1-4, 7-11 and 14 at 9:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. The public performances are Saturday, December 5 at 11 a.m. and Saturday, December 12 at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Group prices are $6.50, adult tickets are $8.00 and groups 100 or more students are only $5.50 per student. For every 25 paid student reservations, one complimentary ticket will be issued. An activity guide is also available for groups. Individu
Al Prices are children, $7.00, and adults, $8.50. To purchase group tickets call 219.836.3258 and to purchase individual tickets call the Box Office at 219.836.3255 or at 800.511.1552. For more information on Theatre at the Center, visit
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