"Jollyship the Whiz-Bang" is a hilarious pirate-puppet-rock musical about a drunken captain, a treacherous sea, and a potential mutiny while in search of Party Island. Created by Nick Jones (writer and co-producer for the Netflix hit "Orange Is the New Black,") the show ran in New York for eight consecutive years. Callie Burk-Hartz saw the show six times while she was still a NYC resident and is so excited to be remounting the production in the Midwest with her own spin, including casting three women in a show written for an all-male cast. This production is an extended version of the hit IndyFringe Festival 2018 show.
March 5, 12, & 19 (all Thursdays) at 7:30pm
Storefront Theatre of Indianapolis
717 Broadripple Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46220
Produced and Directed by Callie Burk-Hartz
Starring Dave Pelsue, Ryan Ruckman, Paige Scott, Aaron Stillerman, Jason Adams, Frankie Bolda, Molly North, and Dan T.
Tickets: $15 (general admission)