Following a successful inaugural Indy Story Slam, Storytelling Arts of Indiana will host five more during its 2019-20 regular season, in partnership with Garfield Park Arts Center and WFYI. The first one on September 19 was well-attended, amid the music, food truck, beer vendor and sunshine, at Garfield Park Biergarten. Going forward, the remaining slams will be the third Wednesday of October, November, February, March and April at Garfield Park Arts Center.
Fans of The Moth Radio Hour and similar spoken-word events all over the country can share their stories in front of an audience or just come to listen and support other members of our growing storytelling community. Our Story Slams offer a platform to tellers of all levels, to preserve local oral history, in a casual and encouraging environment.
At every Indy Story Slam, host Celestine Bloomfield will pick ten names from a hat to determine the evening's lineup. The stories must be up to five minutes long, personal and true, told in the first-person, and based on a predetermined theme, which can be interpreted narrowly or broadly. We just ask tellers not to use props or read from the page. The slam judges are selected from the audience, along with a time and scorekeeper. Listeners are welcomed and encouraged. Prizes will be awarded to the top three tellers.
Other slam dates are November 20, February 19, March 18 and April 15. Themes and ticket links can be found at