In this comedy, Jackie Kennedy is very nervous one afternoon in January 1962. She has completed the restoration of the White House and has invited Eleanor, Bess, Mamie, Pat and Lady Bird into the Yellow Oval Room to give their opinions. And, whoa, do they ever!
These former first ladies criticize the way she runs the White House, and take her to task for being uninvolved politically.
When Mrs. Roosevelt commands her to head the crusade for women's rights, a hilarious political hurricane ensues.
Each discovers something about herself, her relationship with her husband, and how touching and how funny it can be to hold the highest non-paying job in the USA.
Clance LaTurner is directing. The cast members are Sue Beecher, Sheri Bowlen, Hazel Gillaspy, Sherry Compton, Mary Garner, Arlene Haskin, Linda Hazelgrove, Rachel Head and Joyce Pendleton.
Performances are tonight, March 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, and 24.
Curtain is at 8 PM on Fridays and Saturdays; 2 PM on Sundays.
Tickets are $10 each and can be reserved by calling 317-823-4761, ext. 4, or online by visiting
Pictured: The First Ladies of Oaklandon CIvic Theatre's production of "Ladies First" pose at the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site. From left to right: Eleanor Roosevelt (Arlene Haskin), Bess Truman (Sheri Bowlen), Jackie Kennedy (Joyce Pendleton), Lady Bird Johnson (Mary Garner), and Pat Nixon (Linda Hazelgrove). Not pictured is Mamie Eisenhower (Hazel Gillaspy).