A southern Indiana theatre will host auditions for a new production about President Lincoln during the Civil War in November.
The 1500-seat, roofed Lincoln Amphitheatre will host auditions at the following dates and locations for the community production of Father Gavin Barnes's original play BETWEEN FRIENDS:
Lincoln City, Indiana: Heritage Hills High School Auditorium, 3644 E. CR 1600 N., Tuesday, November 1 from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. CDT.
Evansville, Indiana: Evansville Civic Theatre, 717 North Fulton Ave., Thursday, November 3 from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. CDT.
Lincoln Amphitheatre is seeking 6 men and 2 women to complete the roles for BETWEEN FRIENDS. Interested parties do not need to set up an appointment. Auditions will include readings from the script. Interested parties may find the script selections on Lincoln Amphitheatre's website at www.LincolnAmphitheatre.org.
BETWEEN FRIENDS is a two-act play about President Lincoln and his relationships with General Ulysses S. Grant and General William T. Sherman during the Civil War.
BETWEEN FRIENDS will run April 27 - May 5, Friday and Saturday evenings with one Sunday matinee.
For more information about auditions or the 2012 season, call 1-800-264-4ABE or visit www.LincolnAmphitheatre.org.