The Genesis Theatre Company presents Langston Hughes' BLACK NATIVITY. Directed by Sherri Brown-Webster with Musical Director Rev. Gregory Squires.
In what is quickly becoming a popular Holiday Tradition in the Indianapolis area, The Genesis Theatre Company will perform their joyous production of Langston Hughes' Black Nativity, which is a song-play based off the gospel of St. Luke, that retells the Christmas story from an Afro-centric perspective, infused with rousing gospel music, dance and poetry from an Ensemble Cast. Using the sounds, energy and enthusiasm of gospel music to tell the Nativity story makes for a wonderful, rich and moving holiday show that people of all races and backgrounds can enjoy. This is a family friendly production. Local Stellar Talent incorporates this exciting and moving production as this is the 2nd year that Brown-Webster has teamed up with Squires to present this powerful presentation.Videos