Hoosier storytellers Celestine Bloomfield, Lou Ann Homan, David Matlack, Kim McCann and Bob Sander will spin spine-tingling tales followed by two films on the big screen.
For the second year amid the pandemic, Storytelling Arts of Indiana has redesigned its popular Ghost Stories show so fans can enjoy themselves safely. Relocating the iconic event from Crown Hill Cemetery to Tibbs Drive-In allows guests to remain in their cars or socially distanced in lawn chairs for the ultimate, outdoor, fall tailgating experience.
Hoosier storytellers Celestine Bloomfield, Lou Ann Homan, David Matlack, Kim McCann and Bob Sander will spin spine-tingling tales followed by two films on the big screen, one for all ages and one for adults. Guests can bring their own snacks and drinks or buy them from Tibbs concession stand. They're also encouraged to wear costumes and decorate their vehicles for Halloween.
Tickets are $20 for an individual, $50 for 2+ people in vehicle and can be purchased online in advance at Storytellingarts.org. No tickets will be sold at the gate.