Buck Creek Players are frequently asked, "How do you choose a season?" This is a very important question, and one that really shapes meeting their mission.
The short answer: Ask potential directors to submit productions they would like to direct, and we choose from the pieces submitted.
That really oversimplifies the process, but it truly is the basis of how the decisions are made. In fact, Buck Creek Players have used this traditional method for selecting a season for most of our history. They desire directors who are truly passionate about the piece they will be directing so that passion comes through in the final product.
As part of the selection process, Buck Creek Players try to offer a balanced season - providing a variety of genres: comedies, dramas, and musicals. Because of this variety of subject matter, they understand that not every production will appeal to every audience member, patron, and donor. They balance riskier productions (those which may not generally have a wide audience) with productions that have wider appeal. Buck Creek Players also balance first-time directors or directors new to BCP with names who have a history with the playhouse.
It is this balance that has allowed their subject matter to remain relevant and be able to continuously produce a diverse season to the greater Indianapolis area for the past 43 years.
Are you or someone you know interested in directing a production in our 45th season in 2018-2019? Now is your chance!
Please note: Buck Creek Players have changed the beginning dates of our season. The first production of the season is now the July-August youth production. The season now ends with the early summer production in May-June.
To be considered, please provide the following information in your submission:
Please note that only five of the six time slots will be chosen at this time. The sixth time slot will be chosen at a later date, based on a separate call for submissions.
A director may propose any play or musical they would like to direct; however, please keep in mind our facility and stage, as well as the marketability of your submission. Check out the Directors Page for more information on budgets, facility, etc.
All submissions must be received or postmarked no later than Saturday, August 31, 2017. Submissions may be mailed via U.S. Mail, dropped off, or e-mailed.
If you choose to mail your submissions, please send to:
Buck Creek Players
Attn: Program Selection
11150 Southeastern Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46259
If mailing your submission, please send by way of the United States Postal Service ONLY. Buck Creek Players are an all-volunteer community theater and unfortunately do not have staff available during the day to sign for UPS or Fed Ex deliveries. You may also save postage by dropping off submissions directly to the playhouse or by e-mailing your submission(s).
Over our 40+ years of existence, very few productions have been repeated, with new pieces highly encouraged. They will fully consider pieces we have previously produced; however, if all other factors are equal, preference will be given to the piece we have not produced. For a list of past productions, please view Past Seasons.
All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Selection Committee in the coming months, and the proposed season will be chosen and approved by the Buck Creek Players Board of Directors and General Membership. The Program Selection Committee will choose five of the six performance slots listed. The remaining slot will be filled at a later date under a separate submission process. All potential directors will be notified whether or not their pieces were selected for the 2018-2019 season.