The show is a hilarious parade of characters who try to make a 'killing' off the land when they get a telegram announcing that the town of Stumblewood is for sale.
"Who Dunit?" is the question audiences will be asking when the legendary Boggstown Cabaret re-opens with a new western-themed murder mystery musical comedy titled "Stumblewood" on April 22, 2023. The show is a hilarious parade of characters who try to make a 'killing' off the land when they get a telegram announcing that the town of Stumblewood is for sale. The good guy Sheriff tries to keep the peace and uphold the law in this little town. The public is encouraged to attend dressed up or down or not at all for this family-friendly show. The ensemble cast features the talents of Jason Bowser, Falicia Whited, Naomi F. Pyle, Dan Tuttle, and Brad Zumwalt.
Stumblewood is an original show written by Brad Zumwalt and produced by Golden Ticket Productions. "It's great to be doing a regular show at Boggstown Cabaret again," said Zumwalt who co-owns the venue with actor Russell Moss. "We only produce original shows, and the Cabaret is a co-star in the production because it is such a unique experience that begins when you enter the building."
Stumblewood will run through November 12, 2023. Tickets are on sale today and can be purchased at Boggstown Cabaret is located at
6895 W Boggstown Rd
Boggstown, IN 46110-9732
T: 317-224-9509
April 22nd - Dinner Show
April 23rd - Matinee Show
May 20th - Dinner Show
May 21st - Matinee Show
June 10th - Dinner Show
June 11th - Matinee Show
July 15th - Dinner Show
July 16th - Matinee Show
Aug 12th - Dinner Show
Aug 13th - Matinee Show
Sept 9th - Dinner Show
Sept 10th - Matinee Show
Oct 8th - Matinee Show
Nov 4th - Dinner Show
Nov 5th - Matinee Show
Nov 11th - Dinner Show
Nov 12th - Matinee Show
Formed in 2009, by Brad Zumwalt and Russell Moss, Golden Ticket Productions has produced numerous successful shows including Platinum Girls, Ol' Blue Eyes, Believe: A Brown County Playhouse Christmas Tradition, and original Murder Mysteries.
Ton-Up is an independent creative company that draws its inspiration from the biker subculture that developed in Britain during the 1950s. Doing the "Ton" meant that you were going 100mph or over on your motorcycle. We are doing the "Ton" in our work and the creativity that we bring to our projects.