An average middle class family depends entirely on the father, the head of the house, for their daily needs. Shillak (literally meaning savings or something that is left behind) peers into one such home and brings out the deep-seated distortions in this image resulting from today’s times of retrenchments and lay-offs.
About the Group:
AASAKTA is one of the leading theatre producers of Marathi Theatre. The most defining characteristic of the group is their fearlessness to experiment – be it in form or in substance. Thus far in their journey they have produced 14 Marathi productions, a couple of Hindi plays for children and a couple of English productions. Their plays have received accolades from audience and critics alike and have been selected and performed at National School of Drama’s Bharat Rang Mahotsav, TIE’s Jashne Bachpan, Mahindra Excellence in Theatre Awards, Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theatre, Prithvi Theatre Festival and Park's New Theatre Festival