Of all his creations, his songs occupied a special space in Gurudev Rabindranath Thakur’s heart. Love is the life-blood of Gurudev’s songs – they may be songs of worship or songs of Nature, they may talk of an intense physical attraction or the search of a beloved beyond, Love is predominantly woven into the fabric of his songs, the growth and changing face of this love, expresses the changing phases of Gurudev’s life.
From the Love and celebration of Nature in its changing seasons to physical Love and then a yearning for the ultimate union, an invitation to the divine, this is a dramatic presentation of Gurudev’s poetry as translated by the noted Hindi Poet, Prayag Shukla, linked to Rabindra sangeet in Bengali and embellished with the Rabindra dance form and abhinay.
This is a unique production aimed equally at lovers of Rabindra Sangeet as well as those who seek to know and be overwhelmed with Gurudev’s genius.
About the Group:
Ank repertory in its 36th year is about 40 strong and is headed by Mr.Dinesh Thakur who himself has completed 47 years in theatre.
For Ank, theatre is not just a source of entertainment, it also serves to keep history alive, to propagate and emphasise those cultural values and traditions which set us apart and identify us as Indians in the eyes of the rest of the world and most importantly to raise some questions, tickle some issues – almost always tongue-in-cheek. Within this larger framework, Ank believes that it is theatre which provides respite and rejuvenation to any society. For Ank therefore, theatre is serious and responsible work and quality the cornerstone of its belief.
Having come into being in 1976 and picked up momentum in 1978 with the emergence of Prithvi theatre and with the unforgettable encouragement from the Late Jennifer Kapoor and Shri Shashi Kapoor, Ank today has one of the largest bodies of work in Hindi with approximately 7000 shows of 77 productions all over the country and abroad.