Nabankur Natyam is a drama group consisting bunch of young talents on drama field. Recently they have been working on Nabin Kumar Mahapatra's I. Previously, they worked on 'Nai Rajyer Sova' and 'Iti Tomader Lila'.
Now Nabankur Natyam is going to organize Natya-Sandhya. Two dramas will be performed. One is 'I' written and directed by Nabin Kumar Mahapatra. This story is about society. From the beginning to end, Maya and I both are blaming each other with various type of social issue. Because Maya supposes that I is not a good person and I is making society turn bad. I decides to change himself for making a beautiful world.
The other drama is Buro Shaliker Ghare Ron written by Madhusudan Dutta and directed by Sudhangshu Bikash Saha.
Leather Talks
Leather Talks (11/11 - 11/11) | ||
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